“Without translation, I would be limited to the borders of my own country. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world. ”
— Italo Calvino
Every language is a world in itself with its own rules and strictures, but also one abounding with fascinating and beautiful phenomena. As a freelance translator from Czech to English and English to Czech working for various translation agencies and businesses in the Czech Republic I roam through these worlds everyday. My approach to translation is based on conscientiousness, thoroughness and absolute linguistic flawlessness, irrespective of how long it takes to get the job done. So, make yourself comfortable and let me be your guide in the hitherto unexplored world.
I specialize mainly in the translation of official legal documents, marketing materials, web sites, film subtitles, newspaper articlesand academic literature.
I have several years' experience in the translation of texts from the following fields:
- Tourism
- Economy
- History
- Music
- Literature
- Culture
- Law
- Marketing
- Medicine
- Technology
- Visual Art
If you are interested in my work experience, please see my CV or the References section.
The translation of academic texts requires perfect knowledge of the given discipline and its terminology. In order to facilitate understanding of a given text, the translator has to maintain coherence of the used terms and syntactically structure the text in a readable form while at trying to preserve the stylistic peculiarities of the text.
PRICE: CS -> EN........400 CZK/EN-> CS...........350 CZK
TRANSLATION______CS -> EN____________EN -> CS
Regular..................................350 CZK.................................300 CZK
Express*................................+50 CZK.................................+50 CZK
Instant**..............................+150 CZK...............................+100 CZK
Academic...............................400 CZK.................................350 CZK
Legal......................................380 CZK.................................330 CZK
Technical + IT.......................400 CZK.................................350 CZK
Subtitles.................................500 CZK.................................400 CZK
Proofreading..........................150 CZK..................................100 CZK
The translation prices are stated per 1 standard page of target (translated) text (1800 characters including spaces).
* Translation of a text of 5 pages or less (maximum of 1250 words) with a confirmed delivery on the following day. The additional charge is added on top of the price for the translation of a standard page shown in the price list.
**Translation of a text of 2 pages or less (maximum of 500 words) with a confirmed delivery in 2 hours. The additional charge is added on top of the price for the translation of a standard page shown in the price list.